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Martyn Edward BELCHER
Born: 1867-07-11
Died: 1917-03-26 (aged 49 years)
Buried: St Helen Churchyard in Berrick Salome
= Married  =
on: 1894
at: Saint Catherine House
Sophia Margaret WELLER
Father: Jonathan WELLER
Mother: Mary MAYNARD
Born: 1870-12-26
Died: 1931 (aged 60 years)
Children:   |
Martyn Benjamin
Norman Maynard
Born: 1901-09-17

Further information for Martyn Edward BELCHER.


[Source: Pierre Lautmann]

Martyn was living at Lane End Farm & married Sophia Margaret R in 1894. (Saint Catherine House N° 2C 569, 2nd qrt. 1894).
He died March 26 1917 at the age of 49 years. He is buried at St Helen Churchyard in Berrick Salome with his wife who died in 1931:

Berrick Salome Churchyard. Gravestone;
In memory of Martyn Edward BROOKHOUSE BELCHER of Berrick Salome died 26 March 1917 aged 40 years. RIP.
In loving memory of Sophia Margaret BELCHER 1870-1931.

Berkshire Chronicle 9-April-1870, Belcher boy accident
A painful and fatal accident occurred at Berrick, Oxon, on the evening or Tuesday last, to Benjamin Brookhouse, aged about eleven, eldest son of Mr. B. E. B. Belcher, Ivy House Farm. It appears the steam thrashing machine of Mr. J[Jonathan]. Weller had been at work on the farm, and was just leaving off work for the day, when the lad, who was on the machine for the object of killing mice, got his foot entangled in the drum of the machine, by which his leg was drawn in and fearfully mangled to above the knee. Dr. Harris was speedily on the spot, but advised his immediate removal to the Oxford Infirmary, and accompanied him thither, but the poor little fellow died in two hours after his arrival from the shock to the system. An inquest was held on the following day when a verdict of "Accidental death" was returned.
The poor boy who died was Martyn’s elder brother.

[End: Pierre Lautmann]

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