The WELLER family tree

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Elizabeth (Eliza) BOTHAM
Born: 1843
Died: 1924-09-06 (aged 81 years)
Buried: “Belvedere”, Atawhai, (Wakapuaka) Nelson, NZ.
Burial place: Wakapuaka Cemetery, Nelson, NZ
= Married  =
on: 1865-01-10
at: Wexham, Buckinghamshire, England.
Richard WELLER
Father: Richard WELLER
Mother: Mary Ann HOWARD
Born: 1844
Died: 1903-02-14 (aged 59 years)
Buried: Death place: 'Belvedere', Atawhai, (Wakapuaka) Nelson, New Zealand.
Burial place: Wakapuaka Cemetery, Nelson, NZ.
Children:   |
Richard Howard
Born: 1867
Died: 1936-01-08
John Cyril
Born: 1868-05-17
Died: 1945-06-04
Evelyn Kathleen Mary
Born: 1870
Died: 1922-03-28
Brian Francis
Born: 1872
Died: 1955-06-05
Harrie Austin
Born: 1873
Died: 1947-03-19
Maud Ellen Lavinia
Born: 1875
Died: 1954-08-25

Further information for Elizabeth BOTHAM.

Birth place: Wexham Court, Buckinghamshire, England


[From: Kathleen Weller] The following information was obtained by a friend of Kathleen Weller.

"No 19  - Marriage solemnized in the Church in the Parish of Wexham in the County of Bucks.
When Married: 10th January 1865
Name and surname: Richard WELLER Eliza BOTHAM
Age: Full age Full age
Condition: Bachelor Spinster
Rank or Profession: Gentleman -
Residence at Time of Marriage: Shalden, Hants Wexham, Bucks
Father's Name and Surname: Rank or Profession of Father
Richard WELLER: Deceased
George BOTHAM: Gentleman
Marriage solemnized between us: Richard WELLER Eliza BOTHAM
Witnesses: Eliza Ann BOTHAM Lydia WELLER Cathleen Margaret CLARKE
Married in the Parish Church according to the Rites and Ceremonies of the Church of England by me, John Shaw.
Certified to be a true copy of an entry in the certified copy of a register of Marriages in the Registration District of Eton...."

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