The WELLER family tree

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Arthur Palmer WELLER
Father: George Arthur WELLER
Mother: Adelaide Eliza PALMER
Born: 1905-11-14
Died: 1982-03-04 (aged 76 years)
Buried: Berrick Salome churchyard
= Married  =
on: 1934
at: Isle of Man
Mary Barbara PANTIN
Born: 1904
Died: 1984-03-13 (aged 80 years)
Buried: Berrick Salome churchyard
Children:   |
Born: 19xx
Born: 19xx

Further information for Arthur Palmer WELLER.

Profession: Farmer and schoolmaster
Domiciles: Pembrokeshire after WW2. Ivy House Farm behind the Chequer's Inn at Berrick.


From: John Botting.

Arthur Weller had three sisters (all now desceased); Mary emigrated to Canada and married Fred Hutson, Rose died unmarried during a surgical operation, Irene married Alfred Parks and had one son, Roger.

Both his daughters, my mother and my aunt, confirm that he wasn't always an easy man to live with but he possessed a kind heart and a wicked sense of humour, and was a loyal friend to those who won his trust and respect.

Those who knew him better spoke fondly of a man who usually said what he liked and certainly liked what he said.

John Botting.

This branch of the Wellers farmed at Berrick Salome and many are buried in the local churchyard.


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