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Thomas BELL
Died: 1919
= Married  =
on: 1885-09-10
at: Kangaroo ground, Victoria, Australia
Father: Edward WELLER
Mother: Mary BAND
Born: 1862-12-20
Died: 1949 (aged 86 years)
Buried: Yarra Glen, Victoria
Children:   |
Janet Mary
Born: 1886
Died: 1960
Born: 1888
Died: 1911-07-12
John Edward Thomas
Born: 1891
Died: 1955

Further information for Thomas BELL.


Thomas was the son of  John Bell and Janet Bell nee Rogerson; he was born at Flemington, Victoria, Australia. Thomas a farmer like his father before him died in 1919 at Yarra Glen, Victoria, Australia.

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