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Kenneth John (Jack) WELLER
Father: George Brion WELLER
Mother: Florence RUSH
Born: 1908
Died: 1996 (aged 88 years)
Buried: Scottsdale, Arizona.
= Married  =
on: 1933
at: New York area.
Jewel ?
= Married (2) =
on: 1945
Died: 1997
Children:   |
G B.
Born: 19xx

Further information for Kenneth John WELLER.

Birth place: Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada.
Profession: Electrician. Photographer. Floor covering salesman and installer. Building contractor.
Domiciles: Calgary, Alberta, Canada. New York area. England. Spokane & Seattle, Washington.


[From: David Weller. Histories written by John Brion "Jack" Weller]

Born March 20th, 1910 (?) in Lethbridge Alberta. Attended school there until about 1925 at which time he and his mother moved to Calgary Alberta. He trained and worked as an Electrician in Calgary until his mother Florence died.

It appears that Jack left Calgary shortly after his mother's death and immigrated to the East Coast of the United States, around the New York area. He married Jewel ----- from Pennsylvania some time around 1933-34 and went to England to live. Jack worked as a photographer for a period of two to three years. In 1935 or 1936, he and his wife returned to the US and settled at Spokane Washington. He was sponsored by his uncle Harold Weller. He worked as a floor covering salesman and installer. He later became part owner of the company. About 1942 he moved to Seattle Washington to work in a war industry, Pacific Huts, Inc. He divorced from wife Jewel about 1943-44. About 1945 he married Audrey Martin. Son George Brian was born about 1946. Jack worked as a building contractor in the Seattle area until he retired. He and Audrey moved to Scottsdale, Arizona about 1990 to be near son "Brian". Jack died in Scottsdale in 1996 and is buried in the area.

[End: David Weller]

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