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Alexander James GRAHAM
Father: Alexander James GRAHAM
Mother: Mary Janet Alison WELLER
Born: 1928-06-04
Died: 2002-05-09 (aged 73 years)
= Married  =
= Married (2) =
= Married (3) =
on: 1956-12-01
Marlene Katherine COBURN
Children:   |
C J.
Born: 19xx
Susan Allison
Born: 1971-11-11
Died: 2008-10-26

Further information for Alexander James GRAHAM.

Profession: Postal Worker
Domiciles: Montreal and Vancouver


Worked for Canada Post in Montreal until moving to Vancouver in 1980s. There he became involved in the Lions` Clubs International, where he received unprecedented recognition as Governor for the States of Northern California, Washington, Oregon, Western Idaho and Southern BC. He received the prestigious Melvin Jones award and many others. The city of Vancouver donated $25,000 to the Lions` Clubs of the area in his memory. He worked hard for the disadvantaged, especially the elderly poor, and a home in Vancouver was named after him the Alex Graham Manor. He was also a world-renowned all-breed cat judge for 40 years.

He married three times - 1) Marlene COBURN, by whom he had daughter Cindy, 2) Louise GIBEAU, by whom he had daughters Susan and Ann-Marie, 3) Mary GRAHAM.

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