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Father: Harry William SHURMUR
Born: 1909-10-09
Died: 2000-06-19 (aged 90 years)
Buried: Newbury, Berkshire.

Further information for Freda SHURMUR.

Profession: Secretary?
Domiciles: While City, London. Newbury, Berkshire.


Twin sister to Hilda.

I understood that she was born with one leg shorter than the other, causing problems with her Hips.

No children.

Cremated at Salisbury crematorium.

A lovely lady who always seemed old, stately and reserved to me as a child.
Malcolm David Weller.

Hilda and her twin sister Freda

Freda on the right. 

Freda in a garden arch.

Freda is on the right.

Freda is on the left

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