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Bernard George WELLER
Father: Frederic WELLER
Mother: Emily Charlotte ISAACSON
Born: 1881
= Married  =
on: 1927

Further information for Bernard George WELLER.

Birth place: Amersham
Profession: Lt. Col., R Marines


Awarded D.S.C. for service in the Gallipoli Peninsula in 1916 when a Major in the Royal Marines, then promoted to Lietenant-Colonel,  appointed CB, and awarded Croix de Guerre for his part in the heroic but disastrous Zeebrugge Raid on St George's Day 1918 . 

Supplement to The London Gazette, 6 Sep 1916:

The KING has been graciously pleased to give orders for the award of the Distinguished Service Cross to the undermentioned Officers in recognition of their services with the Royal Naval Division in the Gallipoli Peninsula:-

Capt. Bernard George Weller, R.M.L.I.

London Gazette, 26 Jun 1917:

The undermentioned Capts. to be Majors, having completed 16 years' service, those not secd. to be
supy until absorbed:-

Bernard George Weller, D.S.C.

[Abbrev: seconded, supplementary]

London Gazette, 21 May 1918:

Admiralty, 16th May 1918.
The following special promotions have been made in recognition of services during the operations on the Belgian Coast on the 23rd April, 1918:-
To date the 23rd April 1918:
To be Lieut-Col., R.M.L.I., by Brevet:-

Maj. Bernard G. Weller, D.S.C.

Supplement to The London Gazette, 23 Jul 1918:

                                                                 St James's Palace, S.W.

The KING has been graciously pleased to give orders for the following appointments to the Most Honourable Order of the Bath in recognitionof distinguished services during operations against Zeebrugge and Ostend on the night of the 22nd-23rd April, 1918:-
To be Additonal Members of the Miltary Division of the Third Class, or Companions, of the said most Honourable Order.

Maj. Bernard George Weller, D.S.C., R.M.L.I. did invaluable work in the training of personnel and preparation of material for the R.M. storming party.  The Lieutenant-Colonel and Second-in-Command of the party having been killed before landing, the command devolved on Major Weller, who directed the landing on the mole and the re-embarkation in a very gallant manner.

Supplement to the London Gazette, 23 Jul 1918:

Decorations conferred by the President of the French Republic.
Croix de Guerre.
Major (Bt. Lt-Col.) Bernard G. Weller, D.S.C., R.M.L.I.

The Supplement to the London Gazette, 19 Feb 1919, has a 24-page account of the Zeebrugge and Ostend raids in which Bernard is mentioned a number of times.  [A useful map of the incident can be seen on the BBC history site.  Enter 'BBC + Zeebrugge Raid' on an internet search engine (without the inverted commas.)]

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