The WELLER family tree

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Father: George Brion WELLER
Mother: Mary HUGHES
Born: 1889-11-02
Died: 1959 (aged 69 years)
Buried: Langley Washington cemetery.
= Married  =
on: 1922-09-08
at: Spokane, Washington, USA.
Mildred Grace WITHERS
Father: John William WITHERS
Mother: Sarah Ann WOODMAN
Born: 1895-11-01
Died: 1980 (aged 84 years)
Buried: Seattle, WA, USA. (Langley Washington cemetery?)
Children:   |
John Brion
Born: 1926-04-20
Died: 2010-12-21

Further information for Harold WELLER.

Birth place: West Wycombe, England (1st quarter 1889).
Profession: Smelter, Canadian Army, Butcher.
Domiciles: Trail, British Columbia, Canada. Spokane, Washington State. Whidbey Island.


Harold emigrated to Canada (Trail BC) before WWI, and then served in the Canadian forces in the war. He lost an eye and was captured in the conflict, eventually being repatriated through Switzerland. He returned to Canada and subsequently emigrated to Spokane, Washington State. He married Mildred Withers in 1922 and John Brion was born in 1926. Harold's brother Percy Edwin "Ted" may also have lived in Spokane. They followed the family history as butchers. Harold and Mildred retired to Whidbey Island in the 1950's and he died of emphysema in 1959.

Pictures courtesy of Julia Weller.

[From: David Weller. Histories written by John Brion "Jack" Weller]

Born in West Wycombe England November 2, 1888, the next to youngest of twelve children. He immigrated to Canada in 1912, and settled in Trail, British Columbia Canada. He worked in the smelter at Trail until September 1914, when he joined the Canadian Army, 7th Battalion with a large group of men from the Trail/Rossland B.C. area. He served in France until he was wounded and taken prisoner by the German Army. He spent twenty nine months as a prisoner in Germany and Switzerland before being repatriated in 1917. He was discharged from the Army, October 1917 in Vancouver, Canada. Harold immigrated to the United States in the early 1920's, joining his brother Ted in Spokane Washington. He took up the meat cutting trade and had his own meat market for a number of years. In 1922 he married Mildred Grace Withers at Spokane Washington. Son John Brion Weller was born April 20, 1926 in Spokane. Harold followed the meat cutting trade until retirement in 1950. In 1951, Harold and Mildred bought property and built a home on Whidbey Island, on Puget Sound near Seattle Washington. Harold died of lung cancer in 1959. Mildred Weller lived on Whidbey Island at Langley Washington until her death in 1980. Harold and Mildred are buried in the Langley Washington cemetery.

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