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Father: George CHANNER
Mother: Mary WELLER
Born: 1816-08-22
Died: 1874 (aged 57 years)

Further information for Clara Ann CHANNER.

Birth place: Sutton, Middlesex, England


Married General Robert SHORTREDE in 1844. They had children: Robert born 1845 Allahabad, India; George born 1849, London, England.

[Prof. Frank Leahy]  (unverified 0--08-2007)

Has Children Clara CHANNER b: 1817 in Sutton, Middlesex, England.

Regarding: R. Shortrede's Logarithmic Tables (Edinburgh).
In 1844 Shortrede published the first edition of his tables; in 1849 he published the second edition.
A. De Morgan (a mathematician of note) is quoted in the opening of my tables: "This is, as far as we know, the only set of Tables to every second, undertaken at the expense of a single individual, and it shows extraordinary energy and spirit".

The tables were first published in 1844 - the year Clara Ann Channer married Robert Shortrede! I'm convinced it was the same man and I think she made a wise choice - although she may have been bored at times as he must have spent many hours closeted away computing tables.

Robert is listed as F.R.A.S - which I'm sure is Fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society.
He is also given as: "MAJOR-GENERAL, LATE OF BOMBAY ARMY,  H.E.I.C.S".

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