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Allan Claude WELLER
Father: John WELLER
Mother: Emily Catherine TURNER
Born: 1881
Died: 1958 (aged 77 years)
= Married  =
Mara ?
= Married (2) =
on: 1912-04-01
at: New Jersey
Lillian YOW
Children:   |
John Allan Claude
Born: 1913
Died: 1995
B R.
Born: 19xx

Further information for Allan Claude WELLER.

Domiciles: Amersham, England. Georgia, USA


[Information from: William Collmann Griffin]

Allan Claude was born in approximately 1880. He married Lillian Yow, an American from Georgia, on April of 1912 in New Jersey. He moved to Georgia and had John Allen Claude (1913-199?), who later changed his name to Jac Weller and wrote many books. I cannot remember the titles of the books, but they are on under Jac Weller. Allen Claude also had a daughter, Blanch Ray Weller, my grandmother (1922-), who married Irving Reid Collmann, MD, from Wilkes-Barre Pennsylvania in 1946. Ray has lived in Georgia, Wilkes-Barre, Germany and now lived in Knoxville Tennessee. Later Allen Claude remarried and had two children, Kimberly Laird (a son. died: Puerto Rico) and Burma (Alton Irby III), who now lives in Atlanta, Georgia.

[From: JAC Weller]

My father lived in Amersham for more than six years beginning in 1893. His grandfather; William Weller 1797 (Bare Fisted Champion) was still very much a subject of conversation in the little town when he was a boy.

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