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Newspaper articles relating to the Weller family (1875-1896)

Amersham, Buckinghamshire, England.

Key to publication codes
BE = Bucks Examiner (microfilm at Chesham).
BH = Bucks Herald (microfilm at Aylesbury).
SBFP = South Bucks Free Press (microfilm at Aylesbury).
BAAN = Bucks Advertiser and Aylesbury News (microfilm at Aylesbury).

9 January 1875 [BH], p. 5: "ACCIDENT.- On Tuesday last, between six and seven o'clock in the evening, as the mail cart from Chesham to Maidenhead was descending the steep hill near the Rectory, at Amersham, the horse took fright at some snow lying by the roadside, and bolted down the hill at full speed. Upon arriving at the bottom it ran into Mr. Weller's dray, breaking the cart, and very much injuring the horse. The driver fortunately escaped without much injury. The horse and cart belonged to Mr. Bachelor of Maidenhead. Another conveyance was obtained at the Crown Inn, Amersham, to convey the mail bags on to Beaconsfield."

18 February 1882 [BH], p. 8: "PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY.- This society has now fairly started with upwards of fifty voices in the chorus, under the able conductorship of Mr. W.. G. Wrigley, Mus. Bac. F.C.O., Friday night being practice night, in the Grammar School, kindly placed at the disposal of the Committee by the Rev. F. Weller."

22 November 1884 [BH], p. 6: Mr. G. Weller was reported to be chairman of the Finance Committee of the Country Brewers' Society.

4 June 1886 [SBFP], p. 5: TENNIS.- Monday last was the opening day of the Amersham Lawn Tennis Club... The ground is situated above the cricket ground in the corner of Barn Meadow near the schools... The committee and members of the local Club must feel greatly indebted to Mr. Edward Weller for letting them at a nominal rent so desirable a spot."

2 February 1889 [BH], p. 7: "THE COUNTY COUNCIL ELECTION.- The polling at Amersham and Chenies was conducted in a quiet and orderly manner throughout, the electors polling well. A good many carriages were employed on both sides. Out of 435 resident at Amersham about 380 recorded their votes; at Chesham Bois 60 out of 88; Chenies 70 out of 82. The result of the poll was not declared until the late hour of five p.m. on Friday, Jan 25 - Weller, 307; Drake, 193, majority, 114."

29 January 1892 [SBFP], p. 7: "TECHNICAL EDUCATION.- A public meeting convened by a notice by Mr. Geo. Weller, C.C., was held in the Town Hall on Thursday afternoon in last week, for the purpose of coming to some understanding as to the formation of classes for technical education for Amersham."

30 September 1893 [BH], p. 8: "THE LICENCE OF THE RAILWAY HOTEL.- ... applied for the provisional grant of a licence for new premises, to be called the Railway Hotel, in course of construction near the Railway Station., at Amersham, for Messrs. Weller, brewer of that town... Messrs. Weller proposed to surrender the licence of the Black Horse in favour of the granting of the provisional licence now asked for. [This was granted]... The notices were then formally proved as well as the plans of the building, which had been prepared by Messrs. Vernon and Son, of High Wycombe."

21 October 1893 [BH], p. 7: "EMPLOYEES DINNER.- Through the kindness of Messrs. Weller, the workmen engaged in the construction of the new hotel at Amersham Station, numbering between 30 and 40, were entertained to a capital dinner at the King's Arms on Saturday evening."

24 March 1894 [BH], p. 7: "THE STATION HOTEL.- The handsome and commodious hotel erected near Amersham Station by Messrs. W. and G. Weller, of the Amersham Brewery, is now open, the tenant being Mr Arthur Buckley. It will be remembered that the licence for the new hotel was only granted by the Magistrates on condition that Messrs. Weller relinquished the Black Horse, a house purchased by the firm in 1802."

30 November 1894 [SBFP], p. 7: "PARISH COUNCIL.- A preliminary meeting of the parish electors was held in the Town Hall, on Monday, November 26th, when G. Weller., C.C., occupied the chair. Great interest was taken in the proceedings, and the hall was fairly well filled."

29 March 1895 [SBFP], p. 6: "FAREWELL DINNER.- A farewell dinner to Mr. R Ferguson was given to him and the employees of Messrs. Weller by the head of the firm, G. Weller, Esq., J.P., on Saturday last, at the Griffin Hotel. Mr. Ferguson, who has given the utmost satisfaction as a brewer for the past three years, is retiring in favour of Mr. Gerard Weller, the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. G. Weller."

5 April 1895 [SBFP], p. 7: "PICTURES FOR THE INFIRMARY.- The Master notified that he had received four pictures framed ready for hanging up in one of the infirmary wards, the kind gift of Mr. G. Weller."

17 January 1896 [SBFP], p. 3: "FOOTPATH.- An excellent footpath has been constructed from the corner of Rectory Wood to the Metropolitan Railway Bridge for the convenience of foot passengers to and from the station. This great improvement has been brought about entirely through the kindness of Messrs. G. Weller and G. Darlington."

Other related content: Newspaper articles relating to the Weller family (1853-1874)., Newspaper articles relating to the Weller family (1900-1929).,

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