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Newspaper articles relating to the Weller family (1853-1874).

Amersham, Buckinghamshire, England.

Extracted from newspapers of Buckinghamshire and transcribed by Nicholas Salmon.

Key to publication codes
BE = Bucks Examiner (microfilm at Chesham).
BH = Bucks Herald (microfilm at Aylesbury).
SBFP = South Bucks Free Press (microfilm at Aylesbury).
BAAN = Bucks Advertiser and Aylesbury News (microfilm at Aylesbury).

28 May 1853 [BAAN], p. 5: "On Saturday afternoon, a fire broke out at Mr. Henry King's, Queen' 5 Head public house. As he was a blacksmith, and his shop adjoined the house, it caught fire by the sparks, but by assistance it only destroyed the shop and the dwelling-house. There were three engines on the spot - those belonging to the Parish, to T. T. Drake Esq., and to William Weller, Esq.

3 June 1854 [BH], p. 3: "THE INNKEEPERS.- A circular having been issued to the innkeepers of this town and neighbourhood since the passing of extra duty on malt, recommending a rise of one penny per pot of beer, followed by another circular inviting them to convene a public meeting on the subject, a meeting of innkeepers, variously estimated from 70 to 120, met at the Griffin Inn, in this place, on Monday last, Mr. Day, of the Swan Inn, in the chair. A resolution was passed to continue the price of beer to the public as it has hitherto been, and offering Mr. Weller 1s per barrel towards the increase of duty; but that gentleman having declined taking less than 2s, the meeting separated without coming to any other determination.

9 December 1854 [BAAN], p. 5: "On Wednesday, a meeting was called by handbills to take into consideration the propriety of lighting the town, W. Weller Esq., in the chair. It was resolved - That 13 lamps should be erected, the cost to be defrayed by voluntary contributions. A subscription was at once commenced.

12 Hay 1855 [BH], p. 3: "FIRE ENGINE.- After years of misery, when a fire broke out, we are at last to have a fire-engine. A meting was held at the Griffin, on Tuesday last, under the presidency of Mr. Weller, when a list of subscription was read, which covered all the expenses of a purchase in London, recently made by that gentleman and a committee of three or four others, and which included his own name for

Other related content: Newspaper articles relating to the Weller family (1875-1896),

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