The WELLER family tree

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Select a person from the list below to see their ancestors;
NameDate of birthBirth place DomicilesProfessionDiedBuried
Richard Weller
Thomas Wheler Bap:1545-10-26
William Weller 1585-10-10 1648
Wyllyam Weller 1612-09-10 Warborough
John Weller 1640-04-28 1728
Thomas Weller 1689-02-24 Roke Thatcher 1753
William Weller Bap:1727-11-05 NewingtonHigh Wycombe & Amersham Maltster in High Wycombe. Foun 1802-03-31St Mary`s, Amersham, England.
Thomas Weller 1761 High WycombeChepping Wycombe Butcher 1823Penn churchyard.
Stephen Weller 1787 PennPenn. Wycombe Marsh. High Wyco 1868Wycombe cemetery
Stephen Weller 1821 Wycombe Marsh (or Penn BT)High Wycombe Chairmaker. French polisher. V 1906High Wycombe cemetery
George Brion Weller 1848 High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire,High Street, West Wycombe, Eng Butcher, Baker, Grocer shop in 1911High Wyvombe
Harold Weller 1889-11-02 West Wycombe, England (1st quaTrail, British Columbia, Canad Smelter, Canadian Army, Butche 1959Langley Washington cemetery.
John Brion Weller 1926-04-20 Spokane, WA, USA. 2010-12-21Shoreline, WA, USA.
D P. Weller 19xx
W B. Weller 20xx

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