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Elizabeth WELLER
Father: John WELLER
Mother: Rebecca WHITE
Born: 1839
Died: 1934 (aged 95 years)
Buried: Yarra Glen Cemetery
= Married  =
on: 1864-07-27
at: All Saints Church, St Kilda, Victoria, Australia.
Children:   |
Rosena Elizabeth
Born: 1865
Annie Jane
Born: 1866
Lilly Isabella
Born: 1869
William John
Born: 1877
Mary Florence
Born: 1879

Further information for Elizabeth WELLER.

Birth place: Penn Buck


Elizabeth Weller was 10 years old when she came to Australia on the Thetis in 1849.
Elizabeth married Stephen Sadlier 27th July 1864. Her father John Weller signed as witness on the marriage certificate. Elizabeth was also noted as being born at High Wycombe on this certificate
Elizabeth was buried at Yarra Glen Cemetery on 26 Feb 1934.

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