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Elizabeth Gow BAILLIE
Born: 1898-10-01
Died: 1979-10-22 (aged 81 years)
Buried: Aramaho Cemetery, Wanganui, New Zealand
= Married  =
on: 1923-09-29
at: Palmerston North, New Zealand
Percy George WELLER
Father: John Cyril WELLER
Mother: Margaret HOGG
Born: 1899
Died: 1971-10-24 (aged 72 years)
Buried: Wanganui, New Zealand
Children:   |
Alexander Sloan Baillie
Born: 1924
Died: 1987-07-16
D B.
Born: 19xx

Further information for Elizabeth Gow BAILLIE.

Birth place: Rothsay, Glasgow, Scotland
Domiciles: Dunedin, New Zealand. Wanganui, New Zealand.


The BAILLIE family came to New Zealand on the Gothic in 1904 and took up residence in Dunedin. Elizabeth is shown as being at school there in 1910, and her parents lived there at the time of her marriage.

She presumably then moved to Wanganui with Percy. According to my information they had two children Alexander Sloan Baillie WELLER and Donald. Alex was named after Elizabeth’s brother who died in France in 1916.

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