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Dr Edward Pohau (Ned) ELLISON
Father: Daniel ELLISON
Mother: Hana Nani WELLER
Born: 1884-11-26
Died: 1963-11-09 (aged 78 years)
Buried: Napier
= Married  =
on: 1913
at: Sedgemere, Christchurch, New Zealand.
Tini Wiwi Kerei TAIAROA
Died: 1926
= Married (2) =
on: 1928
at: New Zealand.
Mary Karaka Materoa BOYD
Born: 1899
Died: 1973 (aged 74 years)
Children:   |
Eleanor Marie Maiti Harirota
Born: 1929
Died: 1997
Edward Boyd Embleton
Born: 1930
Died: 2005
Born: 19xx
Joy Te Poi Rangimarie
Born: 1934
Died: 2022
T N.
Born: 19xx
D (R) M.
Born: 19xx

Further information for Edward Pohau ELLISON.

Birth place: Waikanae
Profession: Medical Officer
Domiciles: Otago, Niue, Chatham Is, Cook Is, Manaia


Known as `Ned`, in his infancy he was adopted by his father`s cousin Harirora and her husband Bill Eyes who ran a dairy farm in Taranaki. By the age of six he was milking up to 26 cows by hand.

Harirora was tragically killed when Ned was 11 and he was eventually reunited with his natural parents. He enrolled at Te Aute College in 1902. He was a keen rugby player, committed christian, active in Students` Association and later the Young Maori Party.

Then he went to Te Raukahikatea Theological College, studying both theology and medicine. He played Hockey for Poverty Bay and rugby in the Maori team. Graduated M.B.Ch.B in 1919.

After internship at Wellington Hospital he was appointed chief medical officer for Niue, and four years later medical officer and magistrate for the Chatham Islands. In 1926 he became chief medical officer and deputy resident commissioner to the Cook Islands, but a year later was recalled to NZ to be Director of the Division of Maori Hygiene in the Dept. of Health. He was particularly successful in tackling typhoid. In 1931 he was reappointed to the Cook Islands, where he remained for 14 years, and after first year was Commissioner of the High Court.

He was awarded the King George V Silver Jubilee Medal in 1935, was appointed OBE in 1938 for his long and dedicated service to the Polynesian people. In 1945 he returned to NZ and took up private paractice in Manaia, Taranaki. In 1953 he received Queen Elizabeth II`s Coronation Medal. He retired in 1956 to Taradale, Hawke`s Bay.

He married Tini Wiwi Kerei Taiaroa at Sedgemere, Christchurch in 1913, but she died 13 years later of rheumatic fever, leaving sons Riki and George and daughter Nancy. Two years later Ned married Mary Karaka Kaaka Materoa Boyd. They had six children: Eleanor Marie Harirota Maiti, Edward Boyd Embleton, Weller MacNeil Tuwhakairiora, Joy Rangimarie Te Poi, Thomas Nigel and Raniera Marshall. Mary died in 1973 aged 74.

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