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Ralph Oswald WELLER
Father: Stephen WELLER
Mother: Emma Jane ADAMS
Born: 1910
Died: 2003-08-12 (aged 93 years)
= Married  =
on: 1940-09-01
Marjorie Lucy BEAMAN
Children:   |
Born: 19xx
Born: 19xx
Born: 19xx
Born: 19xx

Further information for Ralph Oswald WELLER.

Profession: Poultry farmer.


Joyce&RalphWeller@1913.jpg (13544 bytes)
Joyce and Ralph. About 1913

SiblingsOfStephen&EmmaWeller@1918.jpg (10028 bytes)
Arthur, Maurice
Joyce, EmmaJane (Mother), Cyril
At Whittlington Moor, 1918

Ralph was one of the "Home Children" sent to Canada by The National Children's Home to work on a farm. He was just coming up to his 14th birthday, and came back after the seven year contract finished and he was free to leave. He actually went back for another year, and then came back again.
In about 1937 Ralph Weller replaced Mr R Bennett as manager of Trelaske Farm, Loo, Cornwall which was owned by Elsie Ghosh.

In September 1938 a pen of Rhode Island Reds won the premier position over all breeds in the Cornwall County egg-laying trials. In May 1939, Elsie wrote her will, leaving “To my partner Ralph Oswald Weller my share of the farm”. In November 1939 “Messrs Ghosh and Weller, Trelaske House” are one of the five Accredited Poultry Breeding Stations in Cornwall.

In the 1939 Register, Elsie Ghosh, Ralph Weller, and John R Clarke (aged 30) are shown at Trelaske House, George W Jefferson and Elizabeth Jefferson are shown at Trelaske Bungalow, and George Bickford, Irene Bickford, and two others at Trelaske Farm. In September 1940, Ralph married Marjorie Lucy Bearman, whom he had met while she was on a bicycling holiday in Cornwall the previous year.

On 7th January 1941, Elsie Ghosh died “after a long illness”, aged just 48.

Ralph gardening in his mothers garden.

Pelynt Patrol.

Standing, left to right ; Ned Broad, Clarence Tuckett, Bill Libby and Ralph Weller.
Seated; Reg Wakeham, Sergeant Jack Bickford and Joe Northcott.

The nearest village to all the patrol members is Pelynt which is 4 miles West -Northwest of Looe which is on the south coast of Cornwall.

Ralph Weller - A hard working smallholder who kept poultry. His land was adjacent to Trelaske.


Ralph and Marjorie presumably set up home in Trelaske Bungalow, and Richard was born in August 1942. However, in February 1943, Ralph Weller advertised for auction 350 head of poultry and 16 poultry houses, possible as a result of the outcome of the court case regarding Elsie’s will. In November 1945, George Bickford sold his stock and equipment at Trelaske Farm because he was “quitting the farm”, and Ralph Weller also sold some equipment at the same sale.

In April 1946, Marion was born. The winter of 1946-7 was extremely harsh, and may have caused losses and extra expense on the farm. In July 1947, Trelaske Farm was put up for sale, and in September 1947 Ralph put his stock and equipment at Trelaske Farm up for auction because he was quitting.

In January 1948, Stephen was born. In August 1948, Trelaske was again advertised for sale, this time by Mr and Mrs J J Blackhurst, along with “Allhays”, a marine property in Talland Bay. In October 1948, Mr Blackhurst sold his stock and implements.

In February 1951, Philip was born at Trelaske Bungalow. Shortly afterwards, Marjorie and the four children left Trelaske for good to join Ralph in Thurgarton, Nottinghamshire, where Ralph had secured the position of Poultry Manager with Boots Ltd.

Ralph Oswald Weller (90thBirthday)

Ralph Weller 1910-2003

Ralph Weller 1995

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