The WELLER family tree

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William WELLER
Father: Henry WELLER
Mother: Sarah SMITH
Born: 1809-09-07
Died: 1846 (aged 36 years)
= Married  =
Children:   |
Born: 1833-05-20
Henry James
Born: 1836-09-11
John Lacey
Born: 1846-02-07

Further information for William WELLER.

Birth place: Black River, Parish of St. Elizabeth, Jamaica


[Source: Carolyn Weller, Janet Davis]

WILLIAM3 WELLER (Henry2, William1) was born on 07 Sep 1809 in Black River, Parish of St. Elizabeth, Jamaica. He died after 1846. He married ELIZA ROBB HYMAN. She was born in 1809 in Jamaica. She died after 1846.

Notes for William Weller: William was reputed to be the son of Sarah Smith, a free Mulatto, and Henry Weller. Born at Black River, in the Parish of St. Elizabeth, William was christened there on either the 27th January 1810, or the 7th January 1811. Two different records for this give two different dates.

William definitely had three sons with a woman called Eliza Robb Hyman. It is not known whether William ever married her. Eliza was listed on the Slave Registers of both 1817, and 1826. She was owned by a man called Lazarus Hyman. Lazarus was the proprietor/owner of the Mount Prosper Estate in Port Elizabeth. He owned 81 slaves in 1810. He owned 64 slaves in 1817 when Eliza was on his books. These numbers dwindled as he got older. He died in 1826. In later years, after the Emancipation of Slavery in 1838, Eliza is shown in the 1840 Jamaican Almanac, to be the Proprietor of Shaye Cottage, a property of 25 acres. Five years later William is very much around. In the 1845 Jamaican Almanac William is shown to be the Guardian/Proprietor of both the Shaye Cottage, and Roundhill Estates, in St. Elizabeth, which totalled 122 acres.

I have found records for three other children with the surname Weller, who were born during the same time span as William and Eliza's definite 3 sons, and also in the Parish of St. Elizabeth. I have refrained from entering them on your family tree as siblings to the definite three. Their names are Frederick Weller, Roberta Weller, and Henry Nathaniel Weller. It is impossible to know whether they were your ancestors or descendants of slaves given the same surname. Frederick, Roberta, and Henry Nathaniel were all christened together on 29th November 1845 in the Parish of St. Elizabeth, but neither the christian name of the father, or the name of the mother is mentioned. They do not show on your family tree chart.


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