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Caroline LUNNON
Born: 1793
Died: 1874-11-13 (aged 81 years)
Buried: Amersham
= Married  =
on: 1837-06-07
at: Woburn
Father: John WELLER
Mother: Katherine FOWLER
Born: 1790-12-01
Baptised: 1790-12-29
Died: 1850-08-07 (aged 59 years)
Buried: Died in Turnham Green. Buried in St. Mary's, Amersham

Further information for Caroline LUNNON.

Birth place: Woburn


No issue.


Gravestone inscription
Edward Weller, eldest son of John and Katherine, died 7th. August 1850 aged 59 years, also Caroline his widow who died 13 November 1874 aged 81 years.

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