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Rupert Charles WELLER
Father: George Brion WELLER
Mother: Mary HUGHES
Born: 1877
Died: 1957 (aged 80 years)
Buried: UK, in a garden of remembrance.
= Married  =
on: 1890
Died: 1918
= Married (2) =
on: 1921
Died: 1955
Children:   |
Charles Brion
Born: 1910-01-11
Died: 1997-05-08
Harold Ralph
Born: 1916-12-26
Died: 2002-12-06
M M.
Born: 19xx
George Stephen
Born: 1925
Died: 2005

Further information for Rupert Charles WELLER.

Birth place: Wycombe Reg Dist (1st quarter of 1877)
Profession: Butcher shop (Weller Butchers), in Beaconsfield, Buckinghamshire, England.
Domiciles: Beaconsfield, Buckinghamshire, England.


Arthur Ball (left) and Rupert Weller (right)

Rupert Charles Weller

Rupert on his horse Blackie, one of two horses he took with him to fight in the Boer War (1899-1902).

Commemorative cigarette case

The inscription on Cigarette case reads:
“Presented to
TPr R. Weller
By subscribers of
High Wycombe & Neighbourhood
In recognition of his services
During the
South African War
The swan is the emblem of High Wycombe.

In 1918, while he was in South Africa, his wife Julia died at home of the Spanish influenza.

When Rupert returned home he married Susan Taylor and they had two more children, Mary Weller and George Stephen Weller.

Rupert lived in Germany with Harold and his family for a few years until he died in 1957.

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