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Lurline WELLER
Father: William Bancroft WELLER
Mother: Martha Mary RANCE
Born: 1898

Further information for Lurline WELLER.

Birth place: Parish of St. Elizabeth, Jamaica


[Source: Janet Davis, Carolyn Weller]

Lurline travelled with her brother William to the USA on 10th February 1923 to find work. William and Lurline sailed aboard a ship called Tivives, which arrived in New York, on 15th February 1923. The record states that their planned destination was Bridgeport, Connecticut. They listed their next of kin as, William Weller, of Black River. I don't know if they ever reached Connecticut. William certainly, was living, and working in New York in 1930. Lurline was not listed in the census as living with him. Current day family recall that she may have gone to Panama to live.


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